How We Can Work Together

For business owners and teams who want to enjoy the process of working together. With results that will actually get you to where you want to be while centering the people doing the work.

  • For those of you who have a vision for an experience that brings people together. You want event planning with a strategic mind for communications, relationship-building, team leadership and logistics. The best part! I work on-site to produce the event (so you can actually take part and enjoy what you created!).

  • I work with teams that meet for an hour(s), have a million ideas, and they're all amazing, even if some of them are completely unattainable. Often they put other people’s needs before their own. And then they leave the room thinking, "that was a productive meeting". And they are no closer to getting anything done (and quietly resentful).

    INSTEAD, I facilitate a high level of collaboration, respecting the diverse and conflicting perspectives to create buy-in and action from trust between people. And I take awesome notes that make it easy for people to stay focused and accountable to follow-through.

  • The Status Woe Series is all about initiating much needed conversations, reflections and “aha!” moments centered on what makes and breaks relationships in business. Book me to speak on your podcast, summit and/or event.

Let’s book a time to co-create.

Or simply get to know one another and see if we vibe.

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